Photos of Powell on Saugus

Powell was imprisoned on the USS Saugus in the early hours of 18th April 1865 in the Chain Locker.  Temperatures inside the ironclads were extreme. In summer the heat and humidity could be unbearable. Around the time of his birthday on 22nd April, he tries to kill himself by beating his head against the walls of his cell.   Because of this, he and the other male prisoners were forced to wear canvas padded hoods.



 Here the sadness and resignation can be seen in Powell's eyes.    
He truly regretted his crime and in his own words declared "my course is run".

Of all the photos taken of Powell at this time, this one captures his youth and vulnerability
more than any other. 

     The Ironclad Monitor, Saugus, with crew.  Circa 1863.


The monitors of the 19th century were turreted ironclad warships inspired by the original USS Monitor;

as well as coastal ships which closely followed her design.

The term "monitor" also encompassed more flexible breastwork monitors,

and was sometimes used as a generic term for any turreted ship.

USS Saugus (1863) was a monitor constructed for the Union Navy 

during the third year of the American Civil War.

She saw most of her military action in the rivers of Virginia

 Click here for Interior Views of an Ironclad

Click here for blue print of an Ironclad








Information reproduced with kind permission of Betty Ownseby